W E L C O M E T O A S C I I B R I N G S C A S H Your kit should include the following items: * Master hard copy of Ascii Brings Cash ... 23 pgs * 5.25" 360k IBM PC formatted disk. Ascii Brings Cash in Ascii format. You will need to format the file when exporting to Pagemaker or another page layout program. Or you can order the following Pagemaker files: * Ascii_ss.pm4 $5 * Flyer_2.pm4 $3 Sls_ltr.pm4 P R E S S Page Down (to continue) * Camera ready circulars: * Ascii Brings Cash * Ascii sales letter * Release form promoting unlimited reprint rights, plus a signed release for Ascii Brings Cash Remember! This report has been sold with non-exclusive rights. You can promote it in any way you wish... provided it's legal! Make sure that you review the signed release included with this agreement. You have literally purchased unlimited rights to use the contents of this kit in any way you choose! Good luck.... and let me know how you are doing! P R E S S E S C (to continue)